Was Techniker und Journalisten über uns und unsere Produkte sagen

CAD/CAM: Durchdachte Lösung fürs Drahterodieren
Article by Reinhold Deppe
Fikus Deutschland macht Drahterodier-CAD/CAM mit seinen Shop-Floor-Lösungen populär.

6 Reasons to choose Fikus Visualcam for your CNC milling workshop
Article by Peter Jacobs
With over three decades’ worth of experience in the global mechanical industry, Fikus has established itself as a formidable brand.

Get to market faster with FikusPlus 20
Article by Ashutosh Chitravanshi and Deepak Ambekar
Article written for Daily CAD/CAM magazine. Powerful and intuitive CAD/CAM to enhance the productivity of your shop floor.